General information | EUR electives
Electives outside RSM can be taken during any period in your 2nd or 3rd year of the BA/IBA bachelor program. For general details, visit the EUR electives page.
Before enrolling in a course at another faculty or university, you must obtain approval from the RSM Examination Board via Osiris Case. Note that processing your request takes approximately 4 weeks, so be sure to submit it well in advance. After receiving approval, you can register with the relevant faculty. Some faculties allow you to register for a course while awaiting the Examination Board's decision.
Additionally, confirm with the faculty offering the elective whether you are eligible to take the course and familiarize yourself with their registration procedures and deadlines.
If you plan to take a course outside Erasmus University, the request process is similar, but keep in mind that processing times are longer.
You can find a step-by-step plan for selecting an elective outside RSM and a list of previously approved courses ON THIS PAGE. |
Make sure to check the following:
- Course description | Do you have any affinity with the content of the course?
- Entry requirements | Some courses are only available to students of their own faculty, or they have a maximum number of participants or set requirements for prior knowledge.
- Policy of the Examination Board | Is it in line with the policy for the elective space?
- Number of credits | If you need 5 EC and a course is smaller than 5 EC, you must take several electives.
- Teaching period and schedule | Check whether the extra study load is doable and there are no schedule conflicts with any other (elective or core) courses.
Note: if you have permission to have a course outside RSM count towards the B3 elective space, note that the course content cannot overlap with other mandatory or elective courses at RSM. |
For other questions about elective options, please contact the Bachelor 3 Programme Managers or the Student Advisers.