A range of introduction activities will be offered in August and September by both the University, the programme and the Erasmus Student Network (ESN).

the ESN introduction days will take place in August. More information can be found here.

The Eurekaweek is the official introduction week of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). Eurekaweek 2024 will take place from August 19th to August 22nd 2024.

The IBA Freshmen Weekend organized by STAR will take place 30rd of August to 1st of September. More information about the event can be found on the STAR website.   

Information about orientation activities organized for the first year IBA students by Erasmus University can by found here. On this website you can find information about One-Stop-Shop (a place where you can take care of all practical matters such as registration at the City Hall and opening a Bank account), Airport welcome services, Summer Dutch course and much more.  

During the first week of the academic year, the kick-off of the International Business Administration program takes place on August 29th . More information about the kick-off can be found here.