Almost graduating? Please check the following steps.

Verify your grades & details 

Download your Study Progress Overview via Osiris (see these steps). Verify that all your grades have been correctly recorded in Osiris. Contact the course coordinator/professor if grades are missing/incorrect. Double-check your personal details in Osiris (full name, date and place of birth etc.) as these personal details will appear on your diploma as stated in Osiris. If personal details are incorrect, you need to change them via Studielink.

Note: if all your grades have been processed, and you have received all credits (at least 180 EC), but your study progress overview still states 'passed: No', please contact the SPD-team (Study Progress & Diploma) via, so that they can adjust it manually.

Has your elective space been processed correctly?

Verify that the correct courses are listed under B3 profiling/elective. As the elective courses are not mandatory, they often appear under 'Other', and are not automatically added to your official study programme. If you would like to make a request to switch / move one of the electives that currently appears under 'other' to 'Bachelor 3', please download your study progress overview from Osiris and proceed as follows: 

  • Requests for RSM electives and language electives can be made via
  • Requests tor electives from other faculties/universities can be made via the Osiris Case before 1 August.

See also this page for more details.

Want to compensate a B2/B3 course? 

Student may pass the final exam with compensation of one failed B2/B3 course under certain conditions. For more information on submitting a compensation request, and the application deadline please see this page.

Officially graduating

RSM BSc uses active conferral of degrees. This means that the Study Progress & Diploma team (SPD) periodically checks which students have met all graduation requirements for their Bachelor's degree program (180 EC), based on information in Osiris. Because many students may still have re-sits, the SPD team will temporarily stop the active active conferral of degrees in June, and run it again after 15 August.

As soon as you meet all graduation requirements, you will automatically be included in the active conferral of degrees after 15 August (see this page for more information). After the active conferral of degrees, your grades will be final and no further changes can be made to your grade list. 

You can collect your diploma at the Graduation Ceremony in November.

Need your diploma or Graduation Statement earlier? 

Then you can request your diploma or a Graduation Statement once all your grades have been correctly recorded and after verifying your personal details (before 15 August). Request your diploma via OSIRIS Student – Cases by following these steps:

  1. Log in to OSIRIS
  2. Go to the ‘Cases’ tab and click on ‘My cases’
  3. Click on ‘Start Case’ and select the application form for RSM
  4. After completing all the questions, click ‘Submit’

You can monitor the progress of your application in the ‘My cases’ section. If your submitted application is complete, the SPD team will change the status of your application to ‘approved application’ and will start with creating your diploma documents. If your application is not complete, the SPD team will reject the application and you will receive a message about what you still need to do to be able to submit an application again. For more information, please consult this page.

Collect your diploma

There are 3 options available:

  1. Pick up in person: If you have indicated that you want to collect your diploma in person, you will receive a confirmation email from the Study Progress & Diploma team (SPD) including a link once your diploma is ready for pick-up. Via that link you can access an online reservation page to schedule an appointment with the Erasmus Student Service Centre (ESSC) in the Sanders Building to collect your diploma. Remember to bring along a valid ID card.
  2. Authorize someone else: It is also possible to have someone else pick up your diploma after making an appointment using the link you have received from the SPD team. To make use of this option you will need to fill out and sign this document (downloadable PDF). This form needs to be presented during the appointment.
  3. Send by postIf you no longer live in the Netherlands you can also ask the Study Progress & Diploma team (via to send your diploma to your home address abroad by registered post at your own expense. Please be aware that your diploma will be issued only once, so sending it by post is entirely at your own risk.

Graduating throughout the academic year / B4+ students

When you finish your last bachelor course somewhere after your third year (in Sept - May), active conferral of your degree applies. This means that, once you have passed all courses of your 180 EC bachelor programme (and they are all recorded in Osiris), all of your grades will be final and no further changes can be made to your grade list, including re-sits for a higher grade. 

Make sure to de-register in Studielink to avoid financial problems, see this ESSC page

You are more than welcome to join the Graduation Ceremony in November, but if you wish to receive you diploma earlier, you can request it by following the steps mentioned above. Make sure you request your diploma before you deregister as a student. 

When you finish your last bachelor course at the end of the academic year (June - Aug), it is not necessary to deregister yourself in Studielink. Your BSc enrolment will automatically terminate on 31 August. You will automatically be included the in active conferral of degrees after 15 August, together with all regular B3 students. 

Additional links & information

The following links might also be useful:


Graduates who are in need of additional information can contact BSc Programme Management via