The Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University sets high quality standards. Consequently, the Examination Board applies a strict anti-fraud policy.  

The Examination Board defined in the Rules and Guidelines (section Fraud) what is meant by fraud:

"Fraud is the action or negligence of a student because of which it is impossible, entirely, or partially, to form a correct judgment about the knowledge, insight and skills of him/her or another student. Examples of fraud are cheating, cribbing, plagiarism, freeriding in a team assignment, availability of unauthorized (study) material during a test such as mobile phones, contract cheating/outsourcing/ghost-writing, unauthorized use of generative AI, identity fraud, theft."

If fraud is detected, the Examination Board may impose a penalty. This penalty can range from a reprimand to the exclusion from one or more examination periods. In case of a serious case of fraud the Examination Board may even advise the Executive Board of the University to definitively terminate the enrolment in the degree programme of the student concerned once and for all. Usually, the minimum penalty is invalidation of the examination concerned and the exclusion of that examination for a period of one year. Obviously, condemned students are no longer eligible for additional exam opportunities or other exceptional measures. 

For detailed information on the RSM’s policy on fraud (including plagiarism and AI), please refer to the website of the Examination Board.

Fraud or plagiarism, it doesn't make you any better! Watch the video.