Depending on the amount of EC earned for the minor, internship or exchange, you will need to ‘fill up’ to at least 30 EC with elective courses. If you have not followed a minor, an internship or exchange, then you can fill up the total amount of 30 EC with only elective courses. There are various options for elective courses. For more detailed information on the various elective options, please click on the links below:

Electives at RSM

RSM electives (only in block 10 and/or block 11)

Electives outside RSM

Electives at other EUR faculties (offered at various times during the academic year)* 

*after approval EB

Electives at other universities (offered at various times during the academic year)* 

*after approval EB

European Common Online Learning (ECOL) (both fall and spring courses)

Language electives (offered at various times during the academic year)

Note: if you have permission to follow a course outside RSM and have it count towards the B3 elective space, please note that the course content cannot overlap with other mandatory or elective courses taken at RSM.